Glasses should be fine tools.

This is Four Nines' basic idea toward glasses, and which also states Four Nines' ideal. It translates Four Nines' creation to be, a creation that fulfill the entire function and quality essential in "reality of life" that as so requires deliberate design.

Gyaku-R hinge was created within the process of creating an deal frame. It is Four Nines' iconic functionality, and it is the most important parts when talking about Four Nines. Almost all glasses from collection attains Gyaku-R hinge.

It creates splendid functionality, quality and design. The new collection became a collection worth of explaining, "This is Four Nines".

For long, Four Nines has been creating glasses at the “highest quality”. Recently, we have acquired the reputation of having the “hightest quality”. We would like to keep this reputation and always strive for even better.

Ideal point of "Gyaku-R hinge"

Four Nines create glasses that can meet our satisfaction. Gyaku-R hinge is an outcome of Four Nines' effort to create the best pair of glasses. Four Nines strives to upgrade frame quality from different approaches. We always look for alternative way in search of material, design, thickness and process. Four Nines create glasses that will explain what we determine to be the ideal matter of glasses. Gyaku-R hinge is the answer for comfort, durability, and adjustability.